BuDhaGirl’s Temple blend tisane is crafted specifically with ingredients that promote a
gentle, highly effective detox for your body (or Temple). We are constantly under
stresses both physical and mental that affect how we feel. Our Temple blend tisane is
crafted of organic ingredients that promote the release of toxins and stressors.
We begin with Cinnamon as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Licorice root
as an anti-bacterial. Milk Thistle seeds for liver health. Ginger root for inflammation.
Dandelion leaf for cleansing of liver and blood. Lemon Balm for digestion. Turmeric root
for neutralizing free radicals. Burdock root for digestion. Cranberries for Vitamin C and
bladder health. Pomegranate for cell renewal and anti-oxidation.
To prepare:
- Place a BuDhaGirl Temple Blend Sachet in 6-8 ounces of boiling water (212 degrees) for 5-7 minutes.
- Tisanes tend to need more time for brewing, as the ingredients are a bit coarser than leaves.
- While you wait for your tisane to brew, we suggest to take a mindful journey by imagining a place you would like to visit.
- What do you see? How does it smell? What sounds do you hear? This is a mini-vacay…enjoy!